The History of the American Christmas And Its Traditions


The Christmas Tree. Hanging Stockings. Christmas Cards. Carolling. Santa Claus. Gift Giving. Egg Nog. The Yule Log.

Do you know where these traditions came from? Are you someone that believes they’ve simply “always existed” and is something we, as a Nation have always done every year around December 24th?

Or do you believe that we simply “created” them ourselves?

If you are, then you really don’t know the history of Christmas traditions.

Have you ever wondered why we do the things we do when the snow begins to fall and the air becomes oh so chilly?

There is a reason we perform every single Christmas tradition we know today.

And some of them may not be why you think!


The History of the American Christmas And Its Traditions

“Discover Where All Our Most Cherished Christmas Traditions Originated From. . .

Where The Holiday We Celebrate In America Started At. . .

And, Why Those Answers May Not Be What You Think!”

This short but interesting PDF ebook has 18 pages.



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